SAINT ALBERT THE GREAT, Doctor of the Church, Patron of those who cultivate the sciences of nature.
Born Albert deGrote, the son of a military noble in the Swabian town of Lauingen, between 1193 and 1206. This Great Dominican Teacher was to become the acknowledged master of his age in a vast number of Studies before his death on November 15, 1280;
Anatomy, Anthropology, Archeology, Astronomy, Botany, Chemisty, Cosmology, Ehics, Engineering, Law, Logic, Mathematics, Mechanics, Medicine, Metaphysics, Mineralogy, Philosophy, Physiology, Theology and Zoology.
His was an intense interest in all things, whether it was the nature of sound or the structure of an insect. Remarkably broadminded for his time, Albert translated, considered, critiqued, and taught the great work of Aristotle.
Albert reworked the Jewish, Arabic, and European treatments making Aristotelian thought relevant to the medieval European consciousness. He made possible a more world-inclusive Christianity and the scientific method we know today. This universal doctor bridges the worlds of the secular and the divine, always promoting the intelligent exploration of both.
Alberts Magnus - The Universal Doctor - The Wizard - Frater Alberts Teutonicus - Albert de Lauingen - Marvel and Miracle of Our Time - Bishop of Ratisbon - The Ape of Aristotle - The Bishop of Boots - Albert of Cologne - Albertus Latinorum Primus - Lector - Albertus Magnus Philosophus - Lord Brother Albert - Great in His knowledge and Small in His Person - Albert the Theologian - Albert of Bollstadt - Maitre Albert - The German Vicar Provincial - Professor Albert - Papal Nuncio - Praedictor Crucis